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Rabbi’s Challenge: Let's Study!

Have Knowledge, Will Travel.

Choose a time, a topic, a location and Rabbi Pearlson will meet you and raise your knowledge quotient.

Outreach in the truest sense of the word. We know that work, family… a host of obligations may prevent you from coming to us, so we will come to you!

Breaking for lunch? (If not, your mother will not be pleased.) Make it a Learning Lunch! Select a topic of interest to you and your colleagues (or congregants, or classmates, or co-workers) and Rabbi Pearlson will provide everything but the food (food for thought? yes; food for lunch? no).

Make it an evening, a Sunday, a mid-afternoon respite from your daily grind. Rabbi Pearlson is a man on a mission…to expand your knowledge and enhance your understanding.

Contact Rabbi Pearlson to pursue the possibilities.

Some suggestions?

Hidden Codes of The Torah
Chasidism and Ecstasy
What is Judaism’s attitude toward “Life after Death”?
What is Judaism’s attitude toward Reincarnation?
What does Kabbalah say about ESP and mind control?

Life Cycles
Brit Milah (Circumcision)
Baby namings
Bar and Bat Mitzvah
The Jewish Wedding
Birth and Child Rearing
Death and Dying…”When is death final?”

“How-to” Ritual Guide
Shabbat Zmirot (Songs)
Laws of Kashrut (Keeping Kosher): Health, Ethics or Spiritual?
Shabbat Studies

Israel, American Jewry and Zionism:
A Crash Course in Israeli Parties and Politics
Terrorism and Islamic Fundamentalism
Business Ethics: A Practical Guide To Everyday Situations
Anti-Semitism In America: On the Rise or Waning?

Jewish Sex, Dating, and Marriage
Family Purity and Mikvah
Kosher Sex and Forbidden Love
Finding your ‘Bashert‘ (Yiddish: literally, Destiny)

How to Participate and Lead Services
Weekday Shacharit (Morning Service)
Minchah/Ma’ariv (Afternoon/Evening Service)
Torah Gabbai (Torah “Assistant”)

How to Use Ritual Items
Talit (Prayer Shawl)
Tefillin (Phylacteries)
Sifrei Torah (Torah Scrolls)

Jewish History
Ancient Israel:
• Biblical Archaeology
• Masada
• Katzrin and Gamla
• The Kotel and The Tunnel
Medieval Europe
The Golden Age of Sefardic Jewry
The Renaissance
The Crusades and Inquisition

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785